This month’s Meet a Mom is Kim Mulcahy. I am in awe of not only her talent but her accomplishment in helping healthcare workers during this pandemic. Read below to learn all about Kim!
Photo taken by Jo Bryan
I was born and raised in the UK but came to the US in 1995. I have lived in Rye for 10 years with my husband James, my daughter Katie (15) and our black lab rescue dog, Sadie. We love planning trips and seeing the world together and we enjoy visiting our family in the UK and Ireland.
I own Sew Happy, a local business which teaches kids and adults how to sew. Our after school program is currently in over 80 schools in Westchester, Connecticut and NYC and we also offer sewing camps, sewing schools and private lessons. The business ground to a halt with Covid-19 so in the last month, together with my friend Cliona Cronin, we organized a group of local moms along with Sew Happy instructors and students to sew and distribute over 11,000 masks (so far) to hospitals and shelters.
I love that our community is so generous and always ready and willing to jump into action wherever there is a cause. I am now in the process of going virtual and plan to offer Zoom summer camps including Fashion Design, My Doll & Me and Summer Sewing, for kids from ages 6 – 14.
Sewing is one of those things that got pushed aside but is now making a comeback especially during this pandemic when we can see what a life skill it really is. People all over the world are sewing masks and PPE and saving thousands of lives so I hope people realize how important it is and sign their kids up for sewing classes