What is Microneedling? | Rye & Rye Brook Moms

Via Mirror Mirror Beauty Boutique
If you’ve been paying attention to skin care trends odds are likely you’ve seen someone–perhaps a friend, former high school classmate, or a celebrity–raving about the benefits of microneedling for their skin. Perhaps they posted a “before” and “after” photo, or an even a photo of the treatment process.
The results look good, but you’re a little nervous looking at the spiky, needle covered device. Doesn’t pressing a bunch of needles into the skin all at once hurt? Although it looks painful, microneedling is a minimally invasive, surprisingly comfortable way to correct a variety of skin concerns.
What is Microneedling?

What Happens During Microneedling?

Microneedling is sometimes called collagen induction theory. This is because the treatment is designed to increase the body’s production of elastin and collagen. That collagen and elastin is responsible for tighter, smoother skin and for helping to diminish scars.
The first step of the treatment is to numb the skin with a topical anesthetic cream. Then the aesthetician or surgeon then goes over the surface of the skin with a device such as the SkinPen. The device has several tiny pinpoints on it, which create tiny “wounds” in the skin’s surface. The depth of the punctures depends on the specific goal of treatment, but can be anywhere from 0.25 mm to 2.5 mm.
After the treatment is complete, lotions or creams can be applied to further improve the results.

Can You Do Microneedling at Home?

Maybe you’ve seen little “dermarollers” for sale at a cosmetics store. Maybe you’ve seen a blogger raving about trying microneedling at home. If you can perform the treatment at home yourself, why go to the trouble of scheduling an appointment at a beauty and medical spa?
There are a few benefits to scheduling microneedling at a medspa versus trying it at home. For one thing, you’ll get a deeper treatment in-office than you would from an at-home device. The dermarollers you see for sale over the counter are covered with many tiny needles, but those needles won’t get very far into the skin. You can compare the effects of an at-home microneedling treatment to an at-home facial or chemical peel. You’ll get some, very mild results, but they won’t compared to what you’d experience in an spa or office setting.
Another thing to consider if you’re considering trying microneedling at home is that you need to replace the roller fairly frequently. For hygiene and safety reasons, it’s best to replace the roller every two weeks or so.

What Happens After Microneedling?

What can you expect to happen after your treatment? Since Skinpen and similar treatments are so minimally invasive, you can usually expect to go back to your typical activities right after your visit. Many people can go back to work or school almost immediately. You are, of course, welcome to take the day off if you’d prefer.
The one change you might notice after treatment is that your skin looks a bit pink for a few days. People might assume that you have a sunburn. You can start wearing makeup again after about a day, so you can cover up the pinkness if you wish.
You might see some immediate improvements in your skin after the treatment, but it can take a few months before full improvement becomes visible. Also, you might want to schedule a few follow-up treatments, spaced about a month and half to two months apart, to get the best possible results.

Who Shouldn’t Try Microneedling?

Although microneedling is generally safe for all skin types and complexions, there are a few instances when it’s a good idea to postpone treatment. For example, if you have an infection or open wound on the skin, it might be a good idea to postpone your treatment until the infection has cleared. Also, microneedling usually isn’t recommended for pregnant women.

What Else Is There to Know About  Microneedling?

What else should you know about the treatment? Usually, the process takes about 30 minutes, so you can schedule a treatment over your lunch break. Devices such as SkinPen can be used on several areas of the body, not just the face.
Another thing to consider is the difference between a dermaroller and a pen-like device. Rollers can glide smoothly over some areas of the skin, but pens can reach areas that rollers just can’t.

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